All about the application

You have found the right job and would like to apply?

We will explain our recruiting process to you and give you valuable tips not only on how to prepare your application documents, but also on how to prepare best for your interviews with us.

Good luck!

Application checklist: documents at a glance

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

(Work) references & certificates

Proof of highest educational qualification

Cover letter (optional)

Photo (optional)

Simply apply here on the homepage using our application form!

Alternatively, you can also send your application to jobs(at) Please note that the attachments should not be larger than 6 MB in total.

Our application process: fast and uncomplicated

There are only a few weeks between our confirmation of receipt and the conclusion of the contract. Our HR team works hand in hand with the specialist departments to recruit the right new employees for mitcaps.


Your start with us: Welcome to mitcaps

It is important to us that you, as a new colleague, feel comfortable with us from day 1 and that you integrate quickly into the mitcaps team.

To support you during the initial phase, we have designed an onboarding plan. After a welcome and a round of introductions, you will receive your individual onboarding plan, which consists of various modules - depending on your function and career level. During the first few weeks of onboarding, you will get to know all relevant areas of the company and, in addition to department-specific and technical training, you will also receive an overview of our corporate values and history. A "buddy" will be at your side as a contact person for all organisational and personal matters.

Regular feedback sessions are a core component of your onboarding and allow for open feedback on goals already achieved and mutual expectations - and provide us with additional valuable input to continuously improve our onboarding process.

FAQs - General

Are advertised vacancies up to date?

We update our vacancies on a regular basis. All vacancies that you find on our careers page, are therefore still open.

Which qualification profiles are mainly sought at mitcaps?

mitcaps is a medium-sized company from the telecommunications industry. Therefore, we are primarily looking for technical qualification profiles from the fields of computer science, communications engineering, system integration or comparable fields.

However, talents with a business background are also sought after and welcome to fill our open positions, e.g. in sales.

I can't find a suitable position among the listed vacancies at the moment. Can I make a speculative application?

Yes, you are also welcome to send us an unsolicited application! In your cover letter, please specify the areas of application that interest you and the specialist areas in which you see your professional future at mitcaps. This makes it easier for us to match our vacancies with your profile. Suitable applications will be forwarded to the appropriate departments.

If a suitable position is not found immediately, we will be happy to add you to our talent pool - with your consent - and contact you at a later, suitable time. Of course, you have the option of having your data deleted at any time.

How does the interview work and how can I prepare myself?

Depending on the position, the first interviews last approx. 30 - 60 minutes and take place primarily by telephone or virtually via Webex. For all further interviews, we are happy to take more time, and you can expect 1-2 hours. As a rule, interviews are conducted directly with HR and the supervising department. However, you will always be informed in advance about all the participants in the interview. The interview serves to get to know each other, in the course of which we would like to learn more about your personality, skills and qualifications. Of course, you will also have the opportunity to ask your questions and get to know us as an employer.

How do I apply properly?

If you have found a suitable position in our job offers, our application checklist will help you to compile the relevant documents.

Which documents and which file formats do I need for my online application?

In order to get a first impression of you, we need the following application documents:

  • Covering letter (optional) with a presentation of yourself and motivation why you would like to work for us.
    Please do not forget to mention your desired career field or name of the job advertisement, start date, salary expectations.
  • Curriculum vitae with data on your career to date
  • For students: current certificate of study and transcript of records
  • Any available certificates (highest educational qualification), work references and certificates
  • Photo (optional)

Please make sure that your application documents are in pdf.- or jpg.-format.

Where can I find information about data protection and other legal regulations?
How long will my applicant data be stored in the database?

The data will be stored for a maximum of six months in accordance with data protection regulations. At your request, we can also delete it at any time before that.

FAQs – Students

What job opportunities does mitcaps offer for students?

We offer internships, i.e. compulsory and voluntary internships, working student jobs as well as trainee positions for graduates and entry-level employees.

How long does an internship usually last?

The duration of a compulsory internship at a university depends on the respective guidelines (usually four to six months). We offer voluntary internships from 4 months. Ideally, you should have at least 6 months.

I have already completed my studies. Can I still do an internship or work as a working student?

In the context of internships, we only employ enrolled students or students who are in the transition period between two courses of study (gap year). During this time, you can also complete an internship to gain further practical experience. Working as a working student is only possible if you are enrolled at a university or college (full-time).

How many hours per week can I work as a working student?

We follow the legal regulations here. You can work for us for a maximum of 20 hours per week during the lecture period and a maximum of 40 hours per week during the semester break. We will be happy to define the exact working hours with you individually.

Does mitcaps offer trainee programmes?

We offer various trainee programmes in the areas of project management, sales and network engineering. Check out the job offers for the currently available trainee positions.

If you have any questions that have not yet been answered here, please feel free to call us (Tel. +49-6131-9501910) or send us an email to jobs(at) .

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